With excellent progress being made in the compartments of L516, a move was made to installing a functional lighting arrangement (with heritage value) in the gutted end of the car.

A survey of the roof beneath the masonite sheeting showed reminants of the old compartments. The luggage racks were located on the left (see faded Manilla painted tongue-and-groove panelling), and the compartments were on the right in this space. Clearly visible is the location of the partition between the 3rd and 4th compartments, shown in the center of the photo.

The original cloth insulated wiring was evident, and the holes through which they run will be re-used. Note the chalk markings, presumably measurements in inches.

We chose for a fourth option to those considered previously, which will give the best throw of light. This option utilises existing cable runs, and is probably the closest to the original style.

The wires were run by carefully removing some of the timber planks before the circuits were soldered and globes installed.

With the masonite roof back up, it’s the end to another very satisfying volunteer working bee

Now we have to find where we left the lamp fittings.