With the metal roof progressing well, its time to think ahead and get the jewellery ready for the next part of the restoration project. Our friends at the Zig Zag railway kindly allowd us to salvage whatever fittings we could from the three former NSWGR sleeping cars which are set to be scrapped. These cars have been used for accommodation during steaming weekends at Zig Zag, but are sadly at the end of their life.
These cars pre‐date L516 (TAM502), with their timber frames and Pullman body work, but the light fittings and vents are basically the same.
Back at the Rowling workshop, cleaning started with the lamp shades
But wait! There’s more!
Before the glassware was paired up with the metal light fittings.
The vents have attracted over a century worth of soot and cobwebs, but a bit of elbow grease and they come up real nice too! Nickel plated brass was the most common type of vents.
These sleeping car vents incorporate a louver mechanism, which can be opened or closed depending on ventilation needs.
Different cars, different eras, different styles. Somewhere along the track, this plain copper vent must have been in fashion. We’ll find a place for it in L516.
When the roof is finished, this jewellery will be installed. Till next time.