Overhauling a Carriage Part 1: First comes the elbow grease

The overhaul of the car body on SFN2182 was completed late in 2011 and the following is a selection of photos showing the completion of the job.

Following the treatment of any corrosion, the sides of the car were sanded back.


The toilet windows were removed to ensure all areas were properly prepared prior to any painting. There was no escaping the candy colours, which were from the State Rail Authority days of the 1980s.


Speaking of which, the recent arrival of 42101 also retains signs of the Candy era, and would likely have hauled cars like SFN2182 on the main south in its heyday. The 421 is privately owned and restoration work is being finalised pending reactivation for use on primarily heritage work.


2 coats of metal primer was followed by the first coat of Indian red.


Car internals were dismantled to get in and treat some troublesome corrosion. But before too long, it’s looking pretty good.


…and the new sills have been machined and test fitted.


The Rowling workshop at Engadine had the new sills varnished and polished.


The top-coats were completed a few weeks later, and our resident car builder Dave Mathews went about re-fitting the windows and sills. Cheers Davo!


There is nothing like a deadline to focus ones attention, and with the Sydney Special Children’s Christmas Charity trip bearing down on us, the final touches were applied in readiness for this important annual event.


Away from the carriage body, the car was also lifted and the bogie overhauled.


I think we can safely say that the results speak for themselves, a grand effort by a dedicated team of volunteers.


That was easy! What was all the fuss about??


With a steam loco on the front, SFN2182 is again part of the active 3801 limited fleet. Here ARHS ACT’s 3016 sits proudly at Central Railway Station with the Special Children’s Christmas Charity train in December 2012 before departure to the Rosehill Gardens. The SFN is the second carriage behind the steam engine.


The greatest satisfaction (for us volunteers) is seeing something you worked so hard on travelling all over the state being enjoyed by the people, both passengers and line-side photographers.


Before long, SFN2182 is back in familiar territory, overlooking the big blue Pacific Ocean on the Cockatoo Run.

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